Regnerative Therapies
Welcome to Regenerative Therapies, where we specialize in helping you achieve holistic health and wellness through mindset transformation, emotional healing, and mind-body balance. We offer a range of services, including Tai Chi Gung classes, temperament counseling, spiritual counseling, and a holistic approach to nutrition. I, holistic wellness practitioner, Angela Carron, am a student and teacher of Tai Chi Gung and am licensed through the National Christian Counseling Association for temperament counseling.
Our Services
Tai Chi Gung classes for spiritual growth and mind-body balance
Temperament counseling and spiritual counseling for self-discovery, career path evaluation, relating to others healthily, and emotional healing
Holistic approach to nutrition for boosting the immune system naturally
Mindset Transformation for Better Life Outcomes
At Regenerative Therapies, we believe in the power of mindset transformation to help you achieve better life outcomes. Our services are designed to help you understand your temperament strengths and weaknesses, regulate your breathing, strengthen your connection to God, and renew your mind. Whether you're seeking self-discovery through temperament evaluation, stress reduction, or enhancing your immune system with food, we have the tools and resources to help you achieve your goals.